“Nothing in this world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it.”
– Tao Te Ching


Moselle Boutique exists to provide products and rituals that support women in nourishing their water and experiencing more clarity and calm in their daily lives.


Our vision is to reach women from all walks of life and help them nourish their water. We hope to support them in understanding how to balance the two key fundamental elements of life, water and fire, so they can live with more balance and ease in their daily lives.


The Moselle team is committed to its values of simplicity, authenticity, flow and that everything nourishes everything.

We strive to embody what we share and are aligned with a new way of engaging busi-ness that is balanced and supportive of all aspects of a healthy life.


A FEMININE MODEL: Bringing Balance

The feminine water element can be engaged to bring much needed balance to life and to the realm of business. At Moselle, we embrace our endeavor in ways that are life affirming and uplifting to our human spirit. We value being intentional, collaborative, and creating in ways that are beneficial for all involved. We want those pillars to be felt and experienced within our community and to spread to all they may touch.


We value people, animals and nature over profit, having a healthy work life balance, intentional good will, farsighted goals, synergy, and love.


We hope to foster a sense of collaboration within the Moselle community and lean into its benefits as a fundamental aspect of our core structure.


At Moselle, we align with people and creations that are by design beneficial for all.  We align with the value that everything nourishes everything.



Given we at Moselle are inspired to create in a balanced way, we have pivoted away from the old corporate busi-ness model that is based on competition, hierarchy, and complexity. At Moselle we intend to create through synergy within a synarchy with simplicity as our foundation.


Synergy is about working together coherently and cooperatively to optimize for the highest potential of any offering, creation, or system.


Synarchy is about joint rule. Syn means to act in concert, archy means to govern. The inspiring edge in the word synarchy is the awareness that we are working together as a collaborative team and everyone is valued for their part. Synarchy goes beyond hierarchy by absorption not by rejection.


Simplicity is the knowing that less can be more. Synergy invokes effort without force and synarchy values all contributions. Simplicity allows these two more room to emerge as we take steps on a journey of richer collaboration and greater benefit for all.



Affinity marketing is about reconnecting to an authentic marketplace. With the explosion of technology, consumer culture and the overstimulation of the digital world, we seek to mimic as much as possible the original marketplace where every offering is filling a genuine need or desire and word of mouth organically grows your base. We seek to offer products that are nourishing and essential in a marketplace with a sense of connectivity, community, and authentic exchange.


In todays world people are driven to excessive consumerism and often compromise themselves at the hands of unethical and soley profit driven marketing. At Moselle we seek to offer simple, essential products from real women that provide real benefit to the purchaser as well as support the women that make them.


We hope to foster a sense of connectivity within the Moselle community by showcasing the women who create and enjoy our products. We deepen that sense of connection through our story telling and through Moselle.life offerings.


At Moselle, we know affiliate marketing has lost some peoples trust, so we are committed to engaging in affinity marketing. We seek to grow organically through natural affinity and networks of conscious women who genuinely want and/or need our products. 


“Gongfu Tea” means making tea with skill. A time honored tradition and practice that requires a certain level of effort, dedication, passion and humility by the person who is pouring the tea. After many years of practice, the tea master cultivates a deep connection to the tea leaves & tea ware. It is from this connection that the greatest gifts of the ritual and ceremony can be exchanged between the person pouring and those receiving.